This is a great grass routes tennis competition which takes place during the summer term after Easter. The winners and sometimes runner-up move on to play in the county finals against those who have won at other clubs. The winners of this event go forward to play at Wimbledon.
2016 event will be held in April. Look out for further details.

2015 TfL weather did not beat us

2014 NHS

2015 NHS

2014 TfL Girls

2014 TfL Boys

2013 TfL Boys and Girls

2013 NHS winner and R/U

2013 TfL winners
Role of Honour
Girls Winner Girls R/U Boys winner Boys R/U NHS Winner NHS R/U
2015 Rosie Gomez Thalia Tzokas Cade Emerson Owen Daly Esme Dickinson Abi Sutherland
2014 Rebecca Mainprize Ruhi Chitre Cade Emerson Ross Dean Felicity Chaney Daisy Rolph
2013 Ruhi Chitre Alice Curtin Harris Tzokas Owen Daly Francis Evans Rachel Nirmal